Friday, February 14, 2014

The Kiddos Valentine's 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day snuck up on me this year.  I was not prepared when my daycare called to let me know the kids would be exchanging Valentines on Thursday.  If you know me, it is not in my nature to run to the store and purchase store-bought Valentines, so I quickly jumped on the computer and designed my kids' Valentines. I think they turned out fine considering they were done the day before...

I always try to make a card that displays what my kids are into at the time.  This year, John asked Santa for a red motorcycle, and of course Santa delivered (he is definitely a good boy).  John rides it all around the house, so I snapped a photo complete with a Harley Davidson jacket someone gave us as a hand-me-down.Then, a little bit of Photoshop, and his card was done.

This is the finished product with the Rolos attached as wheels.

My daugher loves Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates, so I decided the create her card with that theme.  I used one of the photos of my daughter at her pirate themed birthday party to use for her Valentine.  I found the Izzy/boat image and added the parrot, the pirate X, and the text.

For "treasure" I added gold chocolate coins to the Valentine.

Pretty happy with how they turned out considering I made them in one day!  Hope you all have a very happy Valentine's Day today!

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