To celebrate 10 years, I themed my party around the 10th Element on the Periodic Table..NEON! There are several ideas on the internet for black-light neon parties that look amazing, but I wanted to focus my party mainly on the scientific element and the bright colors instead. It was a dinner party, so didn't want to have the lights off while we ate or anything. Here's what I came up with...
Invite: I designed the invite on Photoshop with various images I found online. I kept it simple with bright colors.
Decor: I originally made this giant neon green sign for my entry door, but decided I liked it better on my favor/beverage table inside. I made it with foam board, poster board, and card stock and tried to make it look like an element on the periodic table. Of course I changed the element number and name to fit my dinner. I borrowed several glass laboratory flasks from a Chemistry teacher at my school (thanks Sam!) to use around the room as decor. Some I placed flowers inside and others just water colored with Wilton's Neon food coloring. I also made a banner to string across the wall alternating the neon element symbol with plain neon card stock.
Table Decor: I used a neon pink plastic tablecloth and found neon green contact paper at the dollar store that I was able to use as a table runner. I printed out large Neon element signs I made on PhotoShop to place along it. The neon vases I found at the dollar store and filled them with bright flowers. I used laboratory flasks with neon liquid along the runner as well.
As I place card, I made coasters out of black tiles I found at Michaels. I designed an element with each of my guest's name on PhotoShop, and then cut it on my Cricut cutting machine. The neon paper I found at Michaels as well. I adhered each "element" to the coaster with Mod Podge.
I found these neon Slinkies 6 for a dollar at the dollar store, so I had to figure out some way to use them. I decided to use them as napkin rings! The neon orange plastic silverware I also found at the dollar store.
Another look at how the napkin and place card looked together. I added a neon glowstick necklace on the plate as well.
I also used the neon glowsticks (bracelets this time) for my wine charms. Just wrapped them around the glasses.
I designed wine labels to go with my theme. I used the Ne element sign as well as light up sign images I found. Then put it all together with PhotoShop.
What the entire labels looked like.
Menu: The idea of dying all my food neon colors was not very appealing to me, so I tried to think of foods that had "Ne" in the name, so I could use the element sign. I also wanted foods that might have some sort of bright color.
I started with a PiNEapple Teriyaki Chicken that I grilled on the bbq. The bright yellow pineapple rings gave it the bright color I wanted along with the green onions. I found this recipe on The Recipe Critic, and it was delicious.

Favor: As a parting gift, I painted wooden boxes purchased from Michaels various neon shades. I used a permanent marker to create the Neon element box on the front. Inside the box, I had a highlighter and a neon sticky note pad on which I wrote the number 10. My gift tag read, "Thanks for STICKING with me for 10 years of Monthly Dinners. They've been a HIGHLIGHT of each each!"
I can't believe it's been 10 years of these dinners, but I am so grateful to have these couple hours once a month to spend with my girlfriends. We've celebrated marriages, new jobs, babies (and more babies), birthdays, and so much more together. I love each of these ladies and cherish spending this time with them.
Happy 10 Years!