Looking for a little fun for your next party? Then host a Wigs and Wine Party & see what your guest's come up with! This was such a fun theme to host, and the girls and I were laughing at the variety of wigs each guest wore to the party.
Invite: I designed the party invitation on PhotoShop. Kept it simple with a few images with wigs and the party details. I asked my guests to wear a wig (I provided the wine). Make sure you send out the invite with enough time for guests to get a wig if they don't have one already.
Check out some of our fun wigs!
Decorations: Due to our family Halloween costumes through the years, I have several wigs that I used to decorate the table. Everything from Princess Lea, to the charcters of Inside Out, to a normal ombre wig. I purchased styrofoam heads from Michaels Craft Store and placed them on the table with the various wigs I already owned as the centerpiece. A piece of cardstock under each head brought in the colors of the invitation.
In coming up with ideas for this theme, I looked up various hair styles that are often made into wigs. I tried to incorporate some of these into the food and decor for the party. On top of each napkin I created a card having fun with the "pixie" style of wig. The message was "I WIG always PIX you!" Only problem with this was, after I created the tag, I discovered that the company that makes Pixie Sticks no longer sells them! They are discontinued!! I decided to make them myself. I got a paper straw and hot glued one end. Then I mixed a half a cup of sugar with one packet or Kool-Aid mix. I poured it into the straw and hot glued the other end. Done (and tasty too).
I usually have place cards set on my table with my monthly dinners, but this time, I decided to let the guests design their own place card and choose their spot at the table. I bought 4" wooden circles from Michaels, painted them a generic skin color, and drew on eyes and lips. I purchased play dough from the Dollar Tree for guests to craft their own wig on top.

Some of the guests matched their play dough creation to the wig they were wearing at the party. Others created just a fun wig for their wooden piece.
I designed my wine labels playing with the word WIG. For the red wine, it was "Care for a S-WIG of red wine?" and the white wine read, "Wiggin' Out? Let your hair down and have some white wine." I designed this second label to have a white wine glass with a wig on it.
For wine charms, I printed out the same wig images I used on the invitation plus other matching images. I used my Cricut machine to cut these out.
Menu: We started the meal with a 7-layer salad which was delicious and fairly easy to make. I made it the morning of the party before I went to work, so it was one less thing to worry about. To fit with the wig theme, I called this the "layered" salad with an image of a layered wig. I followed this recipe, but I switched out the celery and green onions and swapped in orange bell pepper to substitute. I wasn't sure if my guests would be okay with all of these ingredients, but it was very popular.
For the main dish, I served Garlic Herb Spaghetti with Baked Chicken Meatballs. The only substitution I made to this recipe was to serve it with angel hair pasta instead of spaghetti. I switched this to match with the theme: "angel hair" pasta and "mullet" meatballs. This was very good, and I would definitely make it again with spaghetti or any type of pasta.
Along with the pasta, I made a Garlic and Herb bread that was "braided" to match with the theme. I followed this recipe. The bread was tasty, and if you are willing to make bread from scratch, this recipe was not too difficult.
For dessert, I made a chocolate fondue with fruit, pound cake, and Nilla Wafers. I used one of the styrofoam heads and used a Sharpie to add punk makeup to it. Then I used skewers with fruit on them to push into the head like a Mohawk. It looked so good and definitely added some decor to the festive party.
Favor: I played off the "beehive" wig for my party favor and gave guest's a Burt's Bees lip balm. I created a tag that read, "Even if we all lose our hair...Our friendship WIG always be BEE-utiful!
This was a really fun theme and it was so great to have this fun WIG my close friends! Totally recommend you try this theme for a future party!